Mouse Eggs
Vehicule Poets
Gallery (click on image for larger view)​

Artie Gold, Ken Norris & Endre Farkas 1975

Artie Gold, Ken Norris & Endre Farkas 1975

Artie Gold, Ken Norris & Endre Farkas 1975

Norris, (Farkas), Morrissey, Konyves, Robert Van Wyck, Opal Nations, and Tom Ezzy, before the performance of Drummer Boy Raga: Red Light, Green Light (1979)

Farkas and the collaborators of the Raga do a "double take".

Endre, Artie, Ken and Gary (Ken's roommate) 1975

Tom Konyves performs Ezra Pound's In a Station of the Metro at the Metro Station Berri de Montigny (1979)

Tom Konyves at the lobby of Place des Arts. On April 8, 2004, The Vehicule Poets were reunited to celebrate 25 years from the launch of the 1979 anthology, The Vehicule Poets to The Vehicule Poets_Now, marked by the event Cabaret Vehicule, held at Place des Arts, sponsored by the Musee d'Art Contemporain. Hundreds of fans attended, many were turned away. The evening's highlight was the performance of the poets' works, adapted for the stage by Steps Dans Fuego Theatre Collective.

Konyves and Farkas talk lighting at the Cabaret.

Ken stoops to sign a book and conquer a fan after the Cabaret.

Claudia entertains her fans.

On the Sunday following the Cabaret Vehicule event, we met for brunch at Le Brise on Sherbrooke Street, across the street from Artie's apartment. Endre went to escort Artie to the 'meeting'.

It was the last time most of us were to see Artie alive and about.

A happy moment at Le Brise on Sherbrooke St. the morning after the Cabaret.

Claudia with Ruth Taylor at Le Brise. Artie did not attend the Cabaret; his poems were read by R.T. A few months later, Ruth passed away.

Ruth Taylor and Artie at Le Brise together. Sadly missed by us all.

Endre and Artie.

Copies of The Vehicule Poets_Now are circulated for the group signing.

Tom Konyves, Stephen Morrissey, Ken Norris, Ruth Taylor, Endre Farkas, Gary, Claudia Lapp. Last laugh?

Morrissey and Konyves at the League of Canadian Poets AGM in Edmonton, June 07. Konyves was a panelist for the forum, "The Poem Made Visible".

Claudia and Tom in Vancouver, September 08.

Tom Konyves, Endre Farkas, George Bowering at a Talon book launch at the Annex, following Endre and Carolyn's reading (and performance) at the Vancouver Publix Library, September 2009.

Endre Farkas and George Bowering see eye to eye.

Fred Wah, Endre Farkas and Tom Konyves

Endre Farkas, William C. Wees and Tom Konyves, Montreal, February 2010.

One of many book signings by Ken Norris. At another Talon Book Launch, April, 2010, Heritage Hall, Vancouver.

Ken Norris and Tom Konyves.

Claudia reading at Cozmic Pizza 2002

Reading at Tsunami Books 8/2012 – launching of What the River Brings

Valentine Reading at Tsunami 2010

With Matthew von Baeyer, guest reader at Claudia’s Journal class, John Abbott College, 11/21/1978

April 8, 2004, Cabaret Vehicule